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Our call to action

Education is an inescapable obligation. Yet, how to best meet that obligation is the subject of constant debate and change. We live in a networked age, one that is no longer school centric but learner centric. This new age requires sharpened leadership capable of engaging stakeholders to become partners. That work starts with our ability to build relationships.

The National Education Exchange is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to advocating for and delivering networking and learning opportunities for school leaders committed to embracing a community-based approach to student success.

Communities depend on education leaders as active agents, capable of guiding them through a myriad of challenges. As education leaders face these challenges head on, we aspire to be the support system that not only buoys leaders in challenging times, but one that inspires leaders to embrace new thinking and change.

Our beliefs

  • We believe that education is a social contract by which the community agrees to cooperate for a stated shared benefit.
  • We believe that every community needs to define a core value that establishes their public education brand.
  • We believe that communities need the Superintendent to be a leader of education more than a manager of a system.
  • We believe every student has the right to a quality education as a public endeavor and a common good.
  • We believeĀ that a benefits-based accountability system is needed to communicate clearly to stakeholders the truth about the schools.
  • We believe that public education is best delivered by a team of individuals who trust and respect one another.

Who we are

Dr. Joseph Scherer

CEO, Executive Director

Before founding NEE, Dr. Joseph Scherer spent 15 years building the District Management Council (DMC) and the Superintendentsā€™ National Dialogue (SND), where he committed to defining a common language for improving education with a view to the future and supporting Superintendents of Schools entering and participating in the larger public discussion regarding what it means to educate children. Dr. Scherer spent nearly twenty years working in Washington, D.C., first as an intern with the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Children and Youth. He was selected by the Institute for Educational Leadership for a fellowship with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare and later headed up the Washington office of the National PTA. He is former Associate Executive Director of the American Association of School Administrators and former Executive Director of the National School Public Relations Association. He has managed a gubernatorial campaign, worked with elected officials in two state legislatures, in Tennessee and Minnesota, been a middle school teacher and a faculty member at several universities. Dr. Scherer earned an M.A. in Education, a M.S. in psychology and a Ph.D. His doctoral degree is from Vanderbilt University.

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